green screen vhs to hard drive



hello have you any idea's

i alway's told my wife will save them old movies to the compute but my ati
wonder pro captures a green screen. i works fine capturing the regular TV
shows all way's s- vid, comp, tuner.

John Kelly


It sounds like you may have the wire connections wrong, OR there is simply
no signal present.

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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I don't think i crossed the wires thier is only one and two for sound.

I have no problems watching the TV single through the VCR then through
composite wire to my comp graphic card (ati 9600) and i can record that but
its when i try a vhs like recording a Walt Disney movie does it go green.

John Kelly

Well of course it does...there is a warning is there not at the beginning of
the tape about COPYRIGHT THEFT and is their a little Hologram on the
cassette!! certifying it as an original??

Copying copyrighted material is not covered here (legally) except by those
who are unaware that the USA now conforms entirely to the International Laws
regarding what can be copied and posted to a website...

Have A Nice Day.....John Kelly
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obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work

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