Greater Than Find/Replace



I'm trying to find all values within a range that are >0.50, when I enter
that information into the find field on Find/Replace, however, it doesn't
seem to recognize formulas, only text.

Is there anyway to find all the numbers >0.50, or enter a formula into the
find field, and then replace only those with a specific format?


If you want to apply formatting to cells >0.50, have you looked at using
either conditional formatting or a custom number format?

I'm not aware of Find/Replace being able to change formats (unless they
added it to XL2007). You could do it with VBA. Select the cells and try:

Sub Test()
Dim rngCell As Range

For Each rngCell In Selection.Cells
If rngCell.Value > 0.5 Then
rngCell.NumberFormat = "0.00"
End If
Next rngCell

End Sub


Have you tried doing it with Autofilter? You can apply a Custom
filter, choosing Greater Than or Equal To 0.5, and then just apply the
format to the visible cells. You could apply the format to one cell
and then use the Format Painter to apply the format to the other
visible cells.

Hope this helps.


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