Graphics program that can import Broderbund Print Shop files?


Marten Kemp

A friend has a lot of these files and lost the program
in a crash. Her work machine isn't web connected and
Broderbund Print Shop wants to call home for registration
so she can't reinstall.

What programs can I recommend to her? I can burn them
onto a CD and mail it. I can also burn copies of any
Pricelessware CDs recommended.

-- Marten Kemp
(Fix name and ISP to reply)
.... Whenever 'A' attempts by law to impose his moral
standards upon 'B', 'A' is most likely a scoundrel.
-H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic (1880-1956)
* TagZilla 0.059 *

Susan Bugher

Marten said:
A friend has a lot of these files and lost the program
in a crash. Her work machine isn't web connected and
Broderbund Print Shop wants to call home for registration
so she can't reinstall.

I have an old version of The Print Shop - haven't installed it on this
machine but don't recall *having* to register it - could it be that that
registration is optional or there's a work-around? You might check their
online info for the version your friend has:

Broderbund Technical Support - A-Z Product List

The Print Shop® Customer Support
What programs can I recommend to her? I can burn them
onto a CD and mail it. I can also burn copies of any
Pricelessware CDs recommended.

IIRC Printmaster Express can open cards created/saved in The Print Shop
- might not work with the latest versions of the Print Shop. Perhaps
ask her to send you a test file before burning and mailing a CD.

Program: Printmaster Express
Author: Broderbund
Ware: (Freeware) v 2.1

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