Grading Function Question...



Am trying to create a function within my worksheet to give student'
their grade at any given point in time within the classe
term/semester. (i.e. if 7 week class, I can tell them what their grad
will be on week 4).

Currently I am using a point system (i.e. 9/10 = 90%) then averagin
each assignments averages together to determine the student's tota
average grade, thereby assigning them their respective grade. What
can't figure out is how to look at my workbook/worksheet and tell th
student what there grade IS today (since the values for futur
assignments are 0 or null).

I suppose that I could change my average function on each of m
student's rows to reflect the average of only what is being requested
but that is very time consuming, and not very practicle... I was hopin
to use "date()" function to have the cell determine based on the dat
what their grade would be today if I/they were done with the class.

Any ideas

Bernie Deitrick


The easiest way is to use the AVARAGE function, but leave all ungraded calls
blank (don't enter a zero unless that is the actuall score). Excel will
ignore the blanks, and give you the average for only the entered values.

MS Excel MVP

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