gpedit.msc problems


Jim Carlock

When running gpedit.msc, I'm getting these errors:

Snap-in Creation Failed.
The snap-in is not created, it may not be installed properly.
Name: Group Policy

More information, I've lost my connection to the domain. This
happened because I went and right clicked on the HDD with
the OS installation, then clicked on Security Tab, then removed
all the listed users and reinstalled the appropriate users, and
then told it to apply the changes. Since that, I've lost my Quick
Launch, lost my connection to the domain, and I can not start
the Group Policy thing. Although, the Group Policy thing might
have been a previously existing problem.

Some other information: This was a problem before I reconfigured
permissions on the hard drive, and some other problems started to
occur which I'm having a hard time understanding what's going on,
but it seems like Microsoft has introduced a ton of NEW bugs with
their fixes that have been applied after November of 2003.

For a couple years I didn't have to do much to maintain the system
and things worked, then November of 2003 hit. <g> Nothing has
been the same since.

Does anyone know the registry key used to set the Quick Launch

Jim Carlock

I messed XP up really bad. LOL

Your tool says Run-time Error 70. Permission Denied!


I thought all I did was change the permissions on all the folders.

I guess I must have really messed something up bad.

Happy Easter!

Outlook Express is messed up too as well.

Where'd my signature go??? LOL

Oh there it is at the bottom. Only some things are messed up.

Still got the version reporting as 5.0000.00.00 in the About Help,
but you know what, in a secondary installation on another HDD,
the version reports correctly.

I've hosed things up. The Quick Launch keeps loading up as
C:\Windows\Application Data\...

I can't seem to get it to jump back to the UserProfile area.


Hi Jim,

Didn't recognize the name until now.....but JC!, you do seem to have many
issues. I can only suggest from here without knowing 'what' you are doing
to run a repair install, and leave things alone for a bit, until you
understand them better. Or at least seek clear advice as to what you are
trying to change. Good luck!

Jim Carlock

I used one of DougKnox fixes, but it set the quicklaunch to start
from Windows\Application Data, rather than using the user profile. I'm
going into the registry and setting it to:

<userprofile>\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

But it keeps jumping back to C:\Windows\Application Data.

The key that I'm using to do this is the:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Quick Launch

QuickLaunch disappeared when I changed the permissions on the

When I finally got the permissions correct, every time I clicked on
ToolBars->QuickLaunch I got an error message stating that the
toolbar could not be created.

So I looked up some things. Went to Doug Knox's site, and ran
the following vbs script:

'Corrects the 'Error Creating Toolbar' error message when enabling the Quick
Launch toolbar
'© Doug Knox - 08/19/2003
Dim sKey
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\" & _
"Explorer\Shell Folders\AppData"

AppData = WshShell.RegRead(sKey)
AppData = AppData & "\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

If Not fso.FolderExists(AppData) Then
X = 1
MsgBox "Your Quick Launch Folder was recreated.", 4096, "Finished"
MsgBox "Your Quick Launch Folder already existed and was not recreated.",
4096, "Finished"
End If

Set fso = Nothing
Set WshShell = Nothing

I found three keys that hold the position for AppData.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
HKCU\Software\Volatile Environment

I'll proceed from this point.

Jim Carlock
Post replies to the newsgroup.

Hi Jim,

Didn't recognize the name until now.....but JC!, you do seem to have many
issues. I can only suggest from here without knowing 'what' you are doing
to run a repair install, and leave things alone for a bit, until you
understand them better. Or at least seek clear advice as to what you are
trying to change. Good luck!

Jim Carlock

Okay, back to the title problem...

Are there any answers available to this problem?

I'll post the update to the website when I find the solution, but I don't
want to post an incomplete answer. I'd like as much information as I
can get as to what is causing this problem and as many hypothetical
replies as I can get. I'll go through and sort them out and post the
appropriate information as needed.

The best answers are all answers! Woohoo!

Jim Carlock
Post replies to the newsgroup.

I used one of DougKnox fixes, but it set the quicklaunch to start
from Windows\Application Data, rather than using the user profile. I'm
going into the registry and setting it to:

<userprofile>\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

But it keeps jumping back to C:\Windows\Application Data.

The key that I'm using to do this is the:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Quick Launch

QuickLaunch disappeared when I changed the permissions on the

When I finally got the permissions correct, every time I clicked on
ToolBars->QuickLaunch I got an error message stating that the
toolbar could not be created.

So I looked up some things. Went to Doug Knox's site, and ran
the following vbs script:

'Corrects the 'Error Creating Toolbar' error message when enabling the Quick
Launch toolbar
'© Doug Knox - 08/19/2003
Dim sKey
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
sKey = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\" & _
"Explorer\Shell Folders\AppData"

AppData = WshShell.RegRead(sKey)
AppData = AppData & "\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch"

If Not fso.FolderExists(AppData) Then
X = 1
MsgBox "Your Quick Launch Folder was recreated.", 4096, "Finished"
MsgBox "Your Quick Launch Folder already existed and was not recreated.",
4096, "Finished"
End If

Set fso = Nothing
Set WshShell = Nothing

I found three keys that hold the position for AppData.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders
HKCU\Software\Volatile Environment

I'll proceed from this point.

Jim Carlock
Post replies to the newsgroup.

Hi Jim,

Didn't recognize the name until now.....but JC!, you do seem to have many
issues. I can only suggest from here without knowing 'what' you are doing
to run a repair install, and leave things alone for a bit, until you
understand them better. Or at least seek clear advice as to what you are
trying to change. Good luck!

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