GP not working on all computers


Mike O.

I created a test domain on a w2k server. I have an OU with a GP used only
for a login script to provide drive mappings. I have my user account in this
OU. I joined a w2k pro machine to this domain and logged in with my user
account and I got the mappings. I went to another w2k pro computer, joined
the same test domain and logged in with the same user account. I didn't get
the drive mappings. What can cause this? TIA

Steven L Umbach

Make sure that dns is configured correctly in that the domain controller points only
to itself as it's preferred dns server in tcp/ip properties and that the domain
members point only to the domain controller as their dns server and NEVER have an ISP
dns server in the list.

If that is all configured correctly, then run netdiag on the computer you had a
problem with to see if it shows all is well with no major failed tests/errors/fatal
warnings. You can also use gpresult while logged onto the problem computer to see
what policy is being applied to the computer and the last time the policy was
applied. The support tools I mentioned are on the install cdrom in the support/tools
folder where you have to run the setup program to install them as a set. --- Steve

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