gopher problem


Rob Francis


In IE at home if I type in gopher:// it
immediately gives me a "Cannot find server or DNS error"
In IE at work if I type in the same thing,
comes up fine. What is wrong with my IE browser at home?

I have an old NCSA browser at home that works fine with
gopher (on the same machine too).


Robert Aldwinckle

Here is an excerpt from my last answer about this:

Internet Explorer 6 supports Gopher np.
Check your configuration/settings.

If the user has IE6sp1 it is now a bit more complicated than
what you imply.

From its IEReadMe.txt:

Gopher protocol
The gopher protocol has been disabled by default. If you must use
gopher you can re-enable the functionality by setting the following
registry key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\
CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]"EnableGopher"=dword:00000001


Robert Aldwinckle

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