Google like style pager for GridView



Hi, I need a liitle help with build of my custom pager for gridview...I made
this kind of pager..I looks like this:
<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >>'s no bad but I wannt something like google pager:
<< < 1 2 3 4... > >>

if user cliks on ... he should see this:
<< < ...5 6 7 8 ... > >>


Any idea how to solve this ?

Rob MacFadyen

Which google pager are you referring to? The one on the search page doesn't
look like that at all.

The search page one is:

[Previous] [BeforePages] CurrentPage [AfterPages] [Next]

[Previous] is only shown if CurrentPage > 1

[Next] is only shown if CurrentPage < TotalPages

[AfterPages] is limited to the next 9 pages, though
min(9, TotalPages - CurrentPage)

[BeforePages] is limited to the previous 10 pages,
though actually:
min(10, 10 - (10 - CurrentPage))

Does that make sense?



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