going to last record in subsubform


Werner Rau


I have a form with a subform and a subsubform
I try to write VBA code to go to the last record of the subsubform of the
last record of the subform of each record, using the oncurrent event of the
form. It does not seem to work. I use Access 2000
Can somebody help?

Tnx, Werner

Tony Vrolyk

If you are just trying to always show the last record maybe changing the
sort of the data in the subform would be easiest. If you are using a table
as the source for the subform, change it to a query of that table, and set
the sort accordingly.

Tony Vrolyk

Werner Rau

The records in the subform and the subsubform are ordered by date and I
would like the order to stay ascending, but showing the most recent...
So I am trying to write VBA code

Tony Vrolyk

Your request still sounds a bit contradictory to me but you could try

Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
End Sub

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