GoBack problem



Hi: Has anyone had a problem with the bootup freezing at
the xp screen then I have to disable goback to get xp to


Yes, that same problem happened to me - I had reinstall
my whole system, after spending an hour on the phone with
microsoft and another 2 horus with Dell - no one could
figure out how to get past this point - it just froze up
at the welcome page !!!!

My problem started after I installed the software just
fine, started to do a scan and half way through the scan,
it just stop working - my whole computer froze and I
could not get anything to fucntion withour turning the pc
off, when I turned it back on it froze up at the welcome
screen upon boot-up and never went any further !!

Bill Sanderson

Can I get clarification about whether we are talking about a problem with
Goback, or a problem which arises only with Microsoft Antispyware installed?


Goback works fine for as long as I have had it, but when
I installed Mic Antispyware after awhile when I reboot the
computer it will only boot to just after the Xp screen
then to get it to boot I have to reboot again and at the
goback screen click space bar and disable it then the
computer will boot up again ok. I tryed installing Antispy
again 3 times and this happens after using the computer
for awhile everytime !!!! Thanks

Bill Sanderson

That's clear--thanks. A couple more questions, if possible:

1) What version of Goback?
2) If you uninstall Microsoft Antispyware, does this behavior go away?


I'm using Goback version 3.2 Deluxe and yes after i
uninstall antispy the problem goes away.If I install
Goback again the computer will some time work ok for
couple days then the same problem and I disable Goback and
all is fine. Thanks

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