Go To an address specfied in a cell

  • Thread starter Thread starter WightRob
  • Start date Start date


Hello Folks,

Does anyone know how I can move the cursor to a cell, the address of
which is specified in another cell?
Here is the scenario. I enter a list of hours worked in a specfic week
on a data entry sheet. I hit a button and the values are copied to a
data summary sheet, the position depends on the Week No., the first
cell is specfied as the address "Data!29" for Week 5. I reckon I can
handle a recorded macro to copy and paste the data but how do I locate
the correct start cell?
I have tried copying and pasting into the GoTo box but that doesn't


Week No 5

Sat 0.00
Sun 0.00
Mon 9.50
Tue 9.00
Wed 8.50
Thur 8.00
Fri 6.00

Thanks in anticipation.
Hi Rob,
If you paste something like data!29 into the cell address you get a very
explicit error "You must enter a valid reference you want to go to, or type
a valid name for the selection."

You can paste or type data!29:29 or you can paste or type data!A29

Not sure if you have one or two questions, it seems you know where you
want to go.
Thanks for your reply David,

The reference "Data!29" is a typo, it should read "Data!J29" as in th
example below. I have only one question.

What I am trying to do is automatically paste a range of values fro
one worksheet to a specified location on another worksheet (named Data
in my example).

The address of the start cell on the worksheet Data! is J29. Thi
address already appears on the first worksheet (it's value change
relative to the week number).

If I was doing this manually, I would simply copy the data on the firs
sheet, go to the cell J29 on the sheet Data! and paste the data in.

I want to automate this with a macro. What I don't know how to do i
make the cursor move to cell Data!J29 from within the macro.

Hope that clarifies it.

