


I want all my mail to come through gmail. It is set as my default email. I
really have no use for the vista email. However when responding to a
website's "contact us", microsoft's email is opened instead of my gmail.
This also happens when using any microsoft product such as the calender or
picture files. How can I have my default be gmail for all applications?

Gary VanderMolen

This is a limitation of Gmail's webmail access, not being able to
set itself as Vista's default mail handler.
You can use Windows Mail to handle all your Gmail, but I gather
that you would rather stay with its web interface.
Gmail claims they have a fix for this issue, but it was developed for
Windows XP, and I'm not so sure it works in Vista:

Any complaints about that fix not working should be directed to
Gmail support.


Hi Gary,
So sorry to ask you another question so soon but I'm in a jam and you know
Long story short: I need to make Mail my default email program so I can
email directly from Word 2007. in Mail, Tools, Options, General, Default
Messaging Programs..."this application is the default Mail Handler with a box
saying "Make Default" The box is greyed out. How do I make it ungreyed. Do
I need to do somehting through Gmail (I have the account through them)
You can imagine how unfunny I think the new MS ads are. I'm a PC Ha, Ha,
Ha, Yeah, and I'm a dumbass for buying one!
As always, Gary, I appreciate your time, expertise, and help


Hi Gary,
Really sorry to bug you again so soon but I have a problem and you are the
Mail guy. Long story short: In order to send a 2007 MS Word doc directly to
email, I need to make Mail my default email program.
In mail, Tools, Options, General, Default Messaging Programs.... this
application is the default mail handler with a box "make default".
The box is greyed out. How do I select it?
I spent a lot of time doing research and I blew it. Should have saved more
and gotten the Mac.
As always, thanks for your time and expertise! It is appreciated.

Gary VanderMolen

The following procedure will rewrite the default assignments in the
Open the Default Programs applet, then click on "Set program
access and computer defaults." Expand the Custom selection, and
select Windows Mail. Click OK. That should do it.

In a pinch, you can attach Word documents from inside Windows Mail.
Just make sure the document is closed in Word.


Sorry. How do I find/ what is "Default Programs Applet? In Mail: if it's
tools, options,general,default messages I can't change anything as "this
application is the default mail handler is "greyed" and cannot be changed.
I hope for your sake not eveyone you deal with is an idiot like me!!!

Gary VanderMolen

The Default Programs applet is a separate program which you can
access either from the Start menu or via the Control Panel.

You should start using the power of Vista's search. Simply click Start,
then type Default Programs, and before you have finished typing it
will pop up the correct result, then hit Enter.


O.K. see what you mean now.
I am so sorry. I don't quite get it. Please stick withme. Think I'm almost
there. Start, Default Programs, Set your Default Programs (make a program the
default for all file types and protocols it can open), Set your Default
Program, ***there is no expand custom selection that I can see), I can now
select Windows Mail (Windows Live Mail also and option)
If you select Windows Mail and hit O.K. nothing really happens. I restart
just in case and while in a document you hit send, 3 email options are
"greyed out" ***It was one but i got the patch***. The only option
available is the fax option.
What am I doing wrong, other than being stupid enough to buy this Vista sh*t
instead of saving for a Mac?
Thanks for your help. My frustration is with MS, certainly not you. You
have pretty much been my saviour throughout this ordeal. While I'm waiting
for you I'm gonna review everything in case I'm missing something.


Well, I found the custom button. by mistake, basically. No change. I have
3 send to email options in Word 2007, not of which are avalable.
Hope you have a rabbit in your hat, Gary.


Disregard my last posts. I found it. took awhile but I found what you were
talking about. this is the question:
After Custom, choose a default email program. Currently checked is use my
current account, windows live mail (unchecked), windows mail (unchecked).
Next to both live mail and mail is a "enable access to this program" With
current account checked. both these boxes are checked. Chose mail and the
corresponding "enable access to this program" box goes unchecked.
When I click mail and hit O.K. and later go back to it, it is not checked
anymore. It goes back to "use my current account"
What do you think? And thanks again, Gary.


Think I set a record tonight for most posts. Anyway, I have spent the entire
time trying to figure this out. The problem has got to be Mail is NOT the
default program.
In Mail, Tools . Options > General Default Messaging Programs This
application is the Default Mail handler...... the box is "greyed out".
Please Help. Just wanna get this done as I'll need this function.
As always, thanks

Gary VanderMolen

Let's try this from a slightly different angle.
Open the Default Programs applet, then click the first item:
"Set your default programs."
After a few seconds, a list of programs comes up. Click on "Windows Mail"
(or "Windows Live Mail", if desired). If it doesn't respond with "This
program has all its defaults", then fix it by clicking on the option indicated
by the first green arrow.


When I selected it, it had 2 of 3 defaults. Fixed the one that was missing.
Redid the procedure and "this program has all it's defaults". When you then
go back in to "set program access and computer defaults" > Custom> "Use my
current email program" is checked. Not Windows Mail. Opposite Windows Mail
is the checked box "enable access to this prograjm" Change by clicking
Windows Mail, the box "enable access to this program" comes unchecked, hit
O.K. exit. I did this earlier and thought this is it. nope. Nothing
changes. Go back to that same page and it reverts back to original setting or
was never changed.
I was really feeling sorry for myself. Now I feel bad for you because you
have put so much time and effort into this. I appreciate it. Let me know
what you think I should do. The killer is the options are there, the patch
worked. It somehow isn't recognizing Mail.

Gary VanderMolen

What you are seeing in Default Programs is normal.
It is normal for "Set program access..." to revert back to "Use my current
e-mail program". That module is only used when changing to a different
email program.

The "Set your default programs" module was able to change your
defaults for Windows Mail from 2 to 3, but it is puzzling that this did not
produce the desired end effect of being able to email a doc
directly from Word. I do have this working on my computer for
Word 2003. The difference may be that I have Outlook installed, and
you probably don't. Some of the reference material I read suggests
that Word needs to see Outlook's MAPI handler present before it
can send directly to email.


this is interesting. my sister just got a new system. anyway, two
computers. both now have '07 Word. One will permit you to "send to" email.
It uses Outlook. The other has "send to" email GREYED OUT. Geez, I have the
patch so she can have 3 "greyed email" options. the important point is the
'greyed out" one is using Mail. hmmm. So much for I'm gonna figure it out.
Don't think it can be,,, yet
Thanks for your help. YOU ARE THE BEST, GARY!!! Appreciate your time,
patience, and knowledge.

Gary VanderMolen

You're very welcome. Thanks for reporting back.
Having Outlook installed is the key to having a so-called MAPI function
work correctly.

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