global catalogue information needed



This is not a problem, i need to perform a job with global catalogue.
i would like any reading material on global catalogue. Eg. Microsoft
white papers. So far i have not been able to find any. Windows 2000,
and 2003.

Herb Martin

aaron.whittaker said:
This is not a problem, i need to perform a job with global catalogue.
i would like any reading material on global catalogue. Eg. Microsoft
white papers. So far i have not been able to find any. Windows 2000,
and 2003.

Perform (any of) these searches at google:

[ gc | "global catalogue" 2000 | 2003 ]

You don't really need the "2000 | 2003" since all AD domains
are one or the other.

[ gc | "global catalogue" filetype:ppt |
filetype:doc ]

If you don't care about the PPTs then you just include the filetype:doc.

You can also search web wide for the Microsoft 'collection' of
resources with:

[ gc | "global catalogue" microsoft: filetype:ppt | filetype:doc ]

[ gc | "global catalogue" microsoft: filetype:pdf site logon universal ]

GCs interact with logons on a site basis and provide the universal groups.

You can use up to "10 words" in a Google search (last I knew for certain.)


Thanks Herb,
This does seem very similar to what I have already found. There are
only little bits of info, and not a full document on the topic..
Does anyone have any links to any specific documents on Global
Catalogues? PDF's, or Doc's?
Still in pursuit, Aaron

Herb Martin

aaron.whittaker said:
Thanks Herb,
This does seem very similar to what I have already found. There are
only little bits of info, and not a full document on the topic..
Does anyone have any links to any specific documents on Global
Catalogues? PDF's, or Doc's?

GCs being a special case of DCs, they are almost always
discussed with Domain Controllers.


I'm putting a doc together now. Drop me a mail next week and perhaps it'll
help you.


Paul Williams

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Thanks Herb,
This does seem very similar to what I have already found. There are
only little bits of info, and not a full document on the topic..
Does anyone have any links to any specific documents on Global
Catalogues? PDF's, or Doc's?
Still in pursuit, Aaron

Joe Richards [MVP]

What specifically do you want to know about them. They are simply DCs that
maintain a subset of the info from other domains in the same forest in addition
to the information the DC has.


"Like all domain controllers, a global catalog server stores full,
writeable replicas of the schema and configuration directory
partitions and a full, writable replica of the domain directory
partition for the domain that it is hosting."

So does this mean that i can modify the Global Catalogue and then
after replication my PDC will show these changes?

Herb Martin

aaron.whittaker said:
"Like all domain controllers, a global catalog server stores full,
writeable replicas of the schema and configuration directory
partitions and a full, writable replica of the domain directory
partition for the domain that it is hosting."

So does this mean that I can modify the Global Catalogue and then
after replication my PDC will show these changes?

Not really -- or only incidentally. Your PDC Emulator (there are
no Win2000+ "PDC"s) is only incidentally a GC.

While this happens with the first DC in a Forest by default there
is no requirement for this and by default the first DC in a second
domain of the forest will NOT be a GC.

What it means is that if you add an object to ANY domain
in the forest, the GCs will ALL have a (limited) copy of that

The GC(s) hold a SMALL SUBSET of the info about every
object in the domain -- enough for the most common requests
and to find it real DCs if more information is needed about
any object.

It also means that a GC is first of all a DC, and therefore has
ALL of the information about every object in it's own domain,
a copy of the Schema, and a copy of the Configuration
partition (which I like to call Sites and Services info because
that is mostly how the "configuration" gets set.)

Joe Richards [MVP]

It depends, what are you changing?

If you are changing the config or schema or something in the domain partition
that the DC is a member for, yes it will replicate. But if you manage to change
data in a partitial attribute partition (the domain partitions that are foreign
to the DC in question that is a GC) that change won't get back to the DCs of the
domain the partition is for though it could possibly replicate across other GCs
of that aren't from that domain as well.

Clear as mud?

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