Getting Worksheet name in Reference Style



I want to get the address of a cell I am referencing. If I use
Address(external=:True) then I get the workbook name included in the
reference. If I use AddressLocal I get just the row/column reference.
How can I get the address where it looks like =TRAVEL!$A$10, where
TRAVEL is the name of the worksheet where the cell resides?


This should give you a good start.

wsName = ActiveSheet.Name
cellAdress = ActiveCell.Address

Where is this to be displayed?


If you are building a formula, you probably don't need to worry about it.

Excel will clean it up when you enter it as a formula.

just to demo from the immediate window:

Worksheets("Sheet1").range("C2").Formula = "=" & _
? worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C2").formula

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