Getting the reference path that a cell is pointing to


Brian Godden

So this is what I'm trying to accomplish. I have a call in a
worksheet that refers to another cell in another worksheet in another
workbook. I would like to somehow use that cell to dynamically lookup
another cell on the other workbook:worksheet.

Something like this:

A1 is a reference to: '[Book2.xls]Sheet 1'!$A$1

I would like B1 to be able to point to another cell on that sheet,

B1 = FUNCTION(A1)$C$1 for B1 to equal '[Book2.xls]Sheet 1'!$C$1

Even getting the full ref info from A1 that I could use to offset
would be sufficient for this case...

Is this possible?

Thanks for any help!



Use <insert menu Name: define> to define a name to the reference in the
other workbook, then use this name in the offset function as the reference

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