getting the PwdLastSet attrib value though .net


Sameh Ahmed

Hello there
I need to get the "PwdLastSet" of a user object to know when he last set his
I am using DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry to bind to the user object, but
it either gives "Argument 'Prompt' cannot be converted to type 'String'." or
when I use .tostring it returns "system._comobject"
I even tried to use this line but it also failed
dater.FromFileTimeUtc(entry.Properties("pwdlastset").Value) 'ast from
type '_ComObject' to type 'Long' is not valid.
I use the code below:
Dim entry As New DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry
entry.Path = "LDAP://cn=sameh
MsgBox(entry.Properties("homedirectory").Item(0).ToString) 'works fine
MsgBox(entry.Properties("pwdlastset").Item(0).ToString) 'returns
MsgBox(entry.Properties("pwdlastset").Value.ToString) 'returns
MsgBox(entry.Properties("pwdlastset").Value) 'returns "system._comobject" '
"Argument 'Prompt' cannot be converted to type 'String'."
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

Joe Kaplan \(MVP - ADSI\)

There are basically two ways to get the Int64 value you need.

If you use the DirectorySearcher, it marshals AD INTEGER8 types to .NET
Int64 automatically, so no work needs to be done. This is by far the
easiest way.

If you use the DirectoryEntry, it marshals the value as an ADSI
IADsLargeInteger type, which at runtime is a System.__ComObject. This is
annoying, but you can get the value with a little interop and some data
munging. This works for me:

dim entry as new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://yourdn here")
dim pwd as object = entry.Properties("pwdLastSet").Value
dim pwdDate as DateTime
pwdDate = DateTime.FromFileTimeUtc(GetInt64FromLargeInteger(pwd))

Function GetInt64FromLargeInteger(byval largeInteger as Object) as Int64

dim low as int32
dim high as int32
dim valBytes(7) as byte

dim longInt as IADsLargeInteger = Ctype(largeInteger, IADsLargeInteger)
low = longInt.LowPart
high = longInt.HighPart

BitConverter.GetBytes(low).CopyTo(valBytes, 0)
BitConverter.GetBytes(high).CopyTo(valBytes, 4)

Return BitConverter.ToInt64(valBytes, 0)

End Function

<ComImport(), Guid("9068270b-0939-11D1-8be1-00c04fd8d503"),
InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)> _
public interface IADsLargeInteger
property HighPart as int32
property LowPart as int32
end interface

Note that you can also get the high and low values via reflection and late
binding or by importing the activeds.dll COM object into .NET.

Note that the DateTime you get back will be in Utc, so if you need local
time, make sure you call ToLocalTime.


Joe K.

Sameh Ahmed

Dear Joe
Thanks for replying
as i am totaly new to the develeopment field i tried to understand the code
that you sent.
But after a long time i decided to copy it to my form and see what happens
this part (that i failed to understand)
<ComImport(), Guid("9068270b-0939-11D1-8be1-00c04fd8d503"),
InterfaceTypeAttribute(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsDual)> _
Public Interface IADsLargeInteger
Property HighPart() As Int32
Property LowPart() As Int32
End Interface

fails with the following errors:

Attribute cannot be used on 'IADsLargeInteger'.
Type 'ComImport' is not defined.
Type 'InterfaceTypeAttribute' is not defined.

i would rerall appriciate it if you tell me what i should do .
thanks again

Joe Kaplan \(MVP - ADSI\)

You need to import the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace in order to
get those attribute definitions.

Joe K.

Sameh Ahmed

worded perfectly
Joe Kaplan (MVP - ADSI) said:
You need to import the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace in order to
get those attribute definitions.

Joe K.

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