Getting the next record (VBA)


Rodolfo Fontes

Hi group,

How can I get the next value of a querie?
For example, I can use "temp = rs_NFS!DT_Emissao" to get the DT_Emissao from
the current record, but i want just to get the next value, not "walk" on it.
Below an example:

Dim db_NFS As Database, rs_NFS As Recordset
Set db_NFS = CurrentDb
Set rs_NFS = dbs_produto.OpenRecordset("SELECT [T NF_S].DT_Emissao, [T
NF_S_Det].CodProd, [T NF_S_Det].Qtd_NF, [T NF_S_Det].Valor_NF " _
& " FROM [T NF_S] INNER JOIN [T NF_S_Det] ON [T NF_S].Cod_NF_S = [T
NF_S_Det].Cod_NF_S " _
& " WHERE ((([T NF_S].DT_Emissao) Is Not Null) And (([T
NF_S].Processada) = -1) And (([T NF_S].Cancelada) = 0)) " _
& " ORDER BY [T NF_S].DT_Emissao, [T NF_S_Det].CodProd;")

Rodolfo Fontes

David Seeto via

Hi Rodolfo,

Not sure what you mean by "walk", but to get to the next record in a
Recordset, it's simply rs_NFS.MoveNext. The fields will then correspond to
the values in the next record retrieved by the query (unless, of course,
there aren't any more, in which case you won't be able to refer to the
fields and the condition rs_NFS.EOF will be True instead of False)

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