Getting Started with DB Programming?



VS.NET 2002/VB

I would like to begin learning about DB programming, and I'm not quite sure where to start.

Before I add MSSQL 2000 to my hosting plan, the question that comes to mind is, how do I develop a
DB app on my local machine? Do I have to buy MSSQL 2000 and install it on my PC? That is way too
much money for me (and, I would think, most people), so I hope there is an alternative -- maybe
using Access in the dev environment, and then transferring the info to the MSSQL DB on the server?
If so, does that same code used with Access work with MSSQL?

I guess what I'm looking for is an overview of how to get started with all this when I will be using
MSSQL 2000 at my site. Also, I would like any recommendations as to reading material, i.e. books,
Web sites, etc. that might help get me going.


Terry Mulvany

If you are developing Web Form application or Web Services (as opposed to
Winforms, console apps, or services) then I highly recommend WebMatrix from
This app was initially developed for inhouse use at MS and then a whole
community was born (hence the word Matrix) out of this effort.
Get this, in 1.3MB, that's right the size of a Floppy disk, they include an
IDE (scaled down Visual Studio.Net), a DB engine (SQL Server Data Engine)
and a Web Server (scaled down IIS).
And it's FREE.
otherwise you can the SQL Server Data Engine for dev only

Kevin Spencer

You can either use Access or MSDE, both of which do not require any
licensing to use, and both of which can be upgraded to SQL Server. I would
recommend using MSDE, so that you can use real Stored Procedures.

The best reading material I can recommend is also free from Microsoft, and
it is the .Net SDK. You can download it from:

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.


Terry and Kevin,

Thanks for the info, that is exactly what I was looking for!


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