Getting registry value's data type (REG_SZ/REG_EXPAND_SZ)


Asaf Ganot

I'm looking for a way to retrieve the date type of a registry value using
Since I couldn't find a way to do it with 'Microsoft.Win32', I tried to use
the good old API call 'RegEnumValue' which gives you the data type as well
as other things...

After many tries, I managed to call the function without any errors.
However, I get the data type, but not the value's name! (I even get the name
length, but the string that supose to recive the name is exactly I
initialized it.

Please help!

Here is the declartion section:

public class APIImportDLLs


#region Class Functions

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint="RegEnumValue")]

public static extern int RegEnumValueA(int hKey, int dwIndex, string
lpValueName, ref int lpcbValueName, int lpReserved, ref int lpType, ref byte
lpData, ref int lpcbData);

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint="RegOpenKey")]

public static extern int RegOpenKeyA(int hKey, string lpSubKey, ref int
phkResult) ;


public int APIConvertHKey(string hkey)





case "HKCR":

return System.Convert.ToInt32("80000000",16);


case "HKCC":

return System.Convert.ToInt32("80000005",16);


case "HKCU":

return System.Convert.ToInt32("80000001",16);


case "HKDD":

return System.Convert.ToInt32("80000006",16);


case "HKLM":

return System.Convert.ToInt32("80000002",16);


//case "HKPD":

// return System.Convert.ToInt32("80000000",16);

case "HKEY_USERS":

case "HKU":

return System.Convert.ToInt32("80000003",16);


return 0;




Here is my function:

public struct_RegValue GetRegValue(string path)


APIImportDLLs apiclass = new APIImportDLLs();

int ret;

int hresult = 0;

int index = 0;

//string curval = " ";

string curval = "";

char[] chr = new char[255];

byte data = 0;

int namelen = 255;

int datelen = 255;

int type = 0;

struct_RegValue regval = new struct_RegValue();

for(int i=0;i<255;i++)


curval=curval + " ";


string hkey = path.Substring(0,path.IndexOf(@"\"));

string keypath = path.Substring(path.IndexOf(@"\")+1);

ret = APIImportDLLs.RegOpenKeyA(apiclass.APIConvertHKey(hkey),keypath + '\0'
,ref hresult);



throw(new Exception("Error openning key using API function 'RegOpenKeyA'"));


while(APIImportDLLs.RegEnumValueA(hresult,index,curval,ref namelen,0,ref
type,ref data,ref datelen)!=259)





string temp = path.Substring(0,path.IndexOf(@"\"));

regval.RegKey = GetRegKey(path);

string[] valnames = regval.RegKey.GetValueNames();

foreach (string str in valnames)




return regval;


Mattias Sjögren

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", EntryPoint="RegEnumValue")]
public static extern int RegEnumValueA(int hKey, int dwIndex, string
lpValueName, ref int lpcbValueName, int lpReserved, ref int lpType, ref byte
lpData, ref int lpcbData);

Make lpValueName a System.Text.StringBuilder instead of a string.


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