Getting #name? error in cells after sending spreadsheet via email



I have a spreadsheet that calculates delivery forecast by week. I have 24
The user enters the customer's weekly demand and it autocalculates how many
they have on hand and how much we need to send in order to meet the demand.
The user is suppose to just enter what the inventory on hand is and their
weekly demands. The spreadsheet has formulas that calculates whether they
have enough inventory or tells the user how many to send at a given week to
meet the demand.
It works great in my computer but when I send it to someone else via email
and they start to enter their information, they get a #NAME? error in all the
cells that have the formulas.
I tried sending the spreadsheet with selected cells locked, the formula's
hidden and the worksheet protected. Then I tried sending it totally
unlocked, unhidden and unprotected and was getting the same error.
The formulas are correct and it works in my computer, but when I send it
someone else, it gives that error.
We checked the formatting and all are the same. What gives?
Thank you for all of your help.

Peo Sjoblom

Are you using functions that are part of the Analysis ToolPak? That
could explain any name errors. Btw, you should post an example formula that
error. It's easier



Peo Sjoblom

Luke M

Did you perhaps use a formula that is included in an Add-in? Such as the
Analysis ToolPak.

If so, whoever you send it to may need to 'turn on' that add-in as well.

I know this same thing happened to me once when I used the NETWORKDAYS

Shane Devenshire


1. It means that the spreadsheet is employing one or more of the 100
functions which are part of the Analysis ToolPak. Tell the user to choose
Tools, Add-ins, and check the box beside Analysis ToolPak.
2. A far less likely issue is that you sent the Excel file from a 2007 or
to someone using 2003 or earlier. Certain uses of range address will
potentially cause Name error messages when the file is opened in 2003.

For example, suppose you reference =XFD1 in 2007 and return it to a 2003
user, there is a name problem. I could also come up with a senario where
moving the file from 2003 to 2007 would result in a Name error.


Thank you for your help. It was the issue of the Analysis Toolpak not being
installed in the user's computer.


Thank you for your help. It was the issue of the Analysis Toolpak not being
installed in the user's computer.


Thank you for your help. It was the issue of the Analysis Toolpak not being
installed in the user's computer.

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