Getting list of named ranges




I want to get A list of the ranges that i have named in a workbook that I
did not create. I named 2 ranges

But when I run the following code, I get the 2 ranges I named plus
additional names that I did not create and that don't appear in the define
names dialog.
These other names are as follows and I have no idea what they are or where
they came from but they are not listed in the Define Name dialog box.

'FT Claims'!_FilterDatabase
'PT Claims'!_FilterDatabase
'Midland Account'!_FilterDatabase

I want the code to only return the named ranges (which are the names listed
in the Define Name dialog)

Here is the code I used

Sub GetNamedRanges()
Dim nMames As Names
Dim nName As Name

For Each nName In Application.ThisWorkbook.Names
MsgBox nName.Name
Next nName

End Sub

Bob Phillips

Sub GetNamedRanges()
Dim nMames As Names
Dim nName As Name

For Each nName In Application.ThisWorkbook.Names
If Not nName.Name Like "*_FilterDatabase" And _
Not nName.Name Like "*Print_Area" And _
Not nName.Name Like "*Print_Titles" And _
Not nName.Name Like "*wvu.*" And _
Not nName.Name Like "*wrn.*" And _
Not nName.Name Like "*!Criteria" And _
Not nName.Name Like "*xlfn.*" Then
MsgBox nName.Name
End If
Next nName

End Sub



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)


Thanks That did it.

Now I'm very curious. What are those other names that you filtered out. How
are they created. Where do they come from?


Bob Phillips

They are system generated names that are created when you use certain system



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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