Getting IIS to recognize OFT files?



Our intranet server (IIS) died a few weeks ago so we had to get a new one
and migrate everything over. It all seemed to transfer just fine except for
one issue...any link to an .oft file sitting on the server returns a 'page
not found' error.

I realize this is likely a IIS issue moreso than outlook, but thought I'd
post in here as well just in case anyone else has heard of this issue. Any
thoughts on what might be going on?


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

it's a configuration problem on iis - the guys in the iis groups will be
able to help but they will need to know if the link a network path or http
path and a little more about the config. (I actually had a similar problem
about a year ago but can't remember the exact problem - I just know I didn't
have the server configured correctly and once I fixed it, all was well.)

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