Getting data from SQL Mobile 05 Transformation problem




When I read data from the SQL Mobile 05 all my 01.01.1900 dates are now
01.01.2000 the same select via (SqlCeDataAdapter) worked fine under
CF1.1 now under 2.0 this problem occurs

Does anyone know any help , hints or tips ?

Thanks in advance!

Darren Shaffer

SqlCeDataReader dtr = cmd.ExecuteQuery(sql);

When you go to retrieve the date from the SqlCeDataReader,
are you doing this:

date = dtr.GetDate(0);

or this:

date = DateTime.Parse(dtr.GetValue(0).ToString())


I have not been able to recreate this issue and am curious what you're

Darren Shaffer
..NET Compact Framework MVP
Principal Architect
Connected Innovation

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