Getting BLANK windows



I am still running with IE 6 - I have not upgraded to IE 7

Since the most recent update (April 3/07) I can't use Internet Explorer or
Windows Explorer. Windows come up but remain blank. All other apps on my
computer seem to be working fine - e.g. Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Picture
Viewer etc. and I can open folders but I just can't open anything that needs
a window.

I tried System Restore but the "System Restore" window comes up blank and I
can't do anything there.

In "Add or Remove Programs" I uninstalled the last update but the problem

I've tried rebooting a bunch of times - no joy. I've opened in Safe Mode and
tried to bring up System Restore but it's still a blank window.



Matthew said:
I am still running with IE 6 - I have not upgraded to IE 7

Since the most recent update (April 3/07) I can't use Internet Explorer or
Windows Explorer. Windows come up but remain blank. All other apps on my
computer seem to be working fine - e.g. Microsoft Word, Word Perfect, Picture
Viewer etc. and I can open folders but I just can't open anything that needs
a window.

I tried System Restore but the "System Restore" window comes up blank and I
can't do anything there.

In "Add or Remove Programs" I uninstalled the last update but the problem

I've tried rebooting a bunch of times - no joy. I've opened in Safe Mode and
tried to bring up System Restore but it's still a blank window.


Transparent drop-down Menu and disappearing menu text -

Mike Meyer

Please see if these articles are of any help:

System Restore Tool Displays a Blank Calendar in Windows XP

Control Panel, Help, and System Restore are empty or partially empty

You cannot open a new Internet Explorer window or nothing occurs after
you click a link

In addition to those articles, try the following:
Open the Start menu and choose Run.
Type the following commands, one line at a time. Click the OK button
after each command. You should see a "Succeeded" confirmation after
each one.

regsvr32 vbscript.dll

regsvr32 jscript.dll

regsvr32 mshtml.dll

regsvr32 shell32.dll

regsvr32 shdocvw.dll

regsvr32 actxprxy.dll

regsvr32 oleaut32.dll

regsvr32 browseui.dll

Then reboot.



Well, I fixed my problems and I thought I'd
let you know about it. I appreciate the
assistance I received and although it did
not help, I understand that sometimes,
one must determine what is NOT causing
a problem, before finding out what IS the

I did a bunch of scans with Pc Cillin,
Windows Defender, Ad Aware and Spybot,
but found nothing! Cleaned up the registry
with Registry Mechanic - no joy! I tinkered
with System Restore for quite a while - no
joy! Even checked out my video card - no

So, completely fed up with the mess, I did
a repair install of Windows and presto,
Windows began functioning normally again!
The next virus scan picked up six different
trojans - some had duplicates for a total
of ten installations! And a Windows Defender
scan found one more!

One trojan was even installed in the 'Gone
Fishing' Bitmap Image that comes with the
Windows installation. I doubt that the
trojan came with my original Windows
installation CD, but that's where it was

I would not have known the 'Gone Fishing'
infection, except for the fact that I had
backed up important stuff on an external
hard drive and it was included in the most
recent virus scan.

So, I'm guessing that these trojans got in
through the hole that was plugged by the
most recent Windows update and that the
update caused a bottle neck for the bad

One of the trojans installed the Screenblaze
hit exchange program and that caused a lot
of confusion at first. I had never installed it
and I could not find it in 'Add/Remove

I figure I spent about 12 hours working on
that mess and I hope, by passing this on, I
can save some time for others


The important questions now are, 1.) how did the system get infected in the
first place and 2). Can you be sure the system is not still compromised?

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