Getting a comma in a Distinguished Name using LDIFDE


Paul Motsuk

'lo there

Now that I can get an AD account created using LDIFDE, I've run
into another stumbling block.

I'd like the Distinguished Name of the account to be of the form
"Motsuk, Salvadore P". I've tried the following as the first line of
my input file to LDIFDE:

dn: CN=Motsuk\, Salvadore P,U=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu

dn: CN=Motsuk\2C Salvadore P,OU=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu

Both of these are suported in RFC #2253 (Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (v3):UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names).
They are also mentioned in MS's description of the LDAP SDK

Any suggestions?


Paul Motsuk ([email protected] or (e-mail address removed))
Manager, Enterprise Systems
The Catholic University of America

Paul Motsuk

Glenn L said:
Try putting it all in quotes.

Thanks for the idea. I guess, I should have included that option in
those I've tried. Here's the complete list:

1) dn: CN=Motsuk\, Salvadore,OU=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu
2) dn: CN=Motsuk\2C Salvadore,OU=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu
3) dn: CN="Motsuk\, Salvadore",OU=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu
4) dn: CN="Motsuk\2C Salvadore",OU=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu

All generate the same error:

Add error on line 2: Invalid DN Syntax
The server side error is "An attempt was made to add an object
using an RDN that is not the RDN defined in the schema."
0 entries modified successfully.
An error has occurred in the program

Any more ideas?

Thanks, in advance.

Paul Motsuk ([email protected] or (e-mail address removed))
Manager, Enterprise Systems
The Catholic University of America

Paul Motsuk

Glenn L said:
Try the whole thing in quotes.
"CN=Motsuk\, Salvadore,OU=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu"

Thanks for the idea.

Here's what I get when using
dn: "CN=Mazzuca\, Salvatore,OU=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu"
as the first line of the LDIF file

Connecting to "<Domain Controller>"
Logging in as "<Admin Account>" in domain "" using SSPI
Importing directory from file "mazzuca.ldf"
Loading entries
1: "CN=Mazzuca\, Salvatore,OU=Users OU,DC=cua,DC=edu"
Object does not exist, entry skipped

0 entries modified successfully.

Any other ideas?


Paul Motsuk
Nov 27, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Paul Motsuk,

I am interested to know on how you were able to create account with ldifde with comma in the DN. I am kinda stuck up in a same situation. Please reply back on how you proceeded.


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