

Greg Hadrych

I have this line of code and it works great except for one

Private Sub Save_As_Click()

Workbooks("Master Template v2.2.xls").SaveCopyAs _
Application.GetSaveAsFilename("", fileFilter:= _
"Microsoft Excel Workbook, *.xls")

End Sub

If for say I click on the "Save_As" button on accident,
when I go to cancel the Save As window, it will still save
a copy of the document but it will be called "False". Am
I missing something from the formula or is there an If
Then statement I can add? Thanks for the help!


dim vName as Variant
vName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("", fileFilter:= _
"Microsoft Excel Workbook, *.xls")
if vName <> False then
Workbooks("Master Template v2.2.xls").SaveCopyAs vName
end if

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Greg Hadrych wrote :

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