Get values for function



If I call a function, how do I get the values gathered before making a call
to the function if I call the function in the middle of script? I have run
into this several times, as I don't want to have to keep asking for the same
values that may be used inside the function. Exp:

dim x

x = 25

call some function

y = x ' x should be 25




If I call a function, how do I get the values gathered before making a call
to the function if I call the function in the middle of script? I have run
into this several times, as I don't want to have to keep asking for the same
values that may be used inside the function. Exp:

dim x

x = 25

call some function

y = x ' x should be 25



Could you give us an example? If you want to be sure the values are
returned, you can do something like

Dim lngRetVal as long
lngRetVal1 = MyFunction(arg1, arg2, arg3...)
lngRetVal2=MySecondFunction(arg1, arg2)
lngRetVal3=MythirdFunction(lngRetval1, lngRetVal2)

Marshall Barton

Kou said:
If I call a function, how do I get the values gathered before making a call
to the function if I call the function in the middle of script? I have run
into this several times, as I don't want to have to keep asking for the same
values that may be used inside the function. Exp:

dim x

x = 25

call some function

y = x ' x should be 25

It sounds like you are asking about using arguments to a
procedure?? If so, check VBA Help for:
Function Statement

The basic idea is:

Public Function myfunc(abc As Integer) As Integer
myfunc = abc * 2
End Function

then call it somethng like:

p = myfunc(25) + 4


I guess I'm trying to pass an argument from a sub into a function to get a
value back into the sub. Would it just makes things easier, if I just moved
the argument into the function and out of the sub, then pass it into the sub?
I hope I understand what I'm saying now.


Marshall Barton

It sounds like you might not understand what you are saying

This is a very simple concept so if you are having a problem
with it, you should provide enough of your code to
demonstrate whatever issue is causeing trouble. At least
you can then use the names of the arguments/variables to
illuminate your question.

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