get value of dynamically added controls



I have a form to which I add sets of input controls ie. textbox 1,
dropdownlist 1, textbox 2, dropdownlist 1, textbox 3, dropdownlist 3.
The number of sets vary.

I give them unique IDs the following way: txt_1, ddl_1, txt_2, ddl_2,
txt_3, ddl_3.

When the form is submitted I retrieve the values of the dynamically
added controls by iterating over the request.form collection looking
for IDs txt_ and ddl_

Is there a better way to retrieve the values?



For a known ID? no.

Even if you loop through controls, you will still have to match the values
to the IDs. Now, there is a potential of creating a hashtable to store names
and values at the same time you create the control and matching changed
values. If you can then pass this to a database as a "parameter collection",
you are golden. Realize, however, that this ease of "coding" can be murder on
performance with all of the boxing and unboxing that goes on.

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!


I see. So I should create some type of collection (arraylist), add the
IDs of the dynamically created controls as string properties to an
object. Add the objects to the collection. Then add the collection to
a session variable and then, when the form is submitted, reverse the
process: casting the session variable to the collection, and iterating
the collection of objects getting every ID and simply use the IDs to
precisely query reguest.form?

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