get value by index and not column name...



When using a repeater control I want to get the database value by index
instead of using the column name. How can I do this? My current repeater code
looks like this:

<asp:repeater id="rprtroplinks" runat="server">
<A href="<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,

Karl Seguin

I don't think you can do it via the DataBinder.Eval function, but you can do
it by casting Container.DataItem to the appropriate type. If you are
binding to a Dataset, DataView or DataTable then it'll be a DataRowView. If
you are binding to an DataReader then it'll be a DbDataRecord

You can learn more about this explicit casting at;en-us;307860

Once you have that, you can do:

<%# ctype(Container.DataItem, DataRowView)(0) %>
or in C#
<%# ((DataRowView)Container.DataItem)[0] %>

switch DataRowView to DbDataRecord if you are binding to a DataReader.

Also, don't forget to add <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data" %> for
DataRowView and <%@ Import Namespace="System.Data.Common" %> for

Hope this helps,

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