Get rid of IE crashes in MSHTML.dll


Michael Schwarz


I have several customers reporting IE crashes when using different web
pages. When looking in the event log I noticed something like "application
error" or "application hang", and each time it shows me that the library
MSHTML.dll is involed in the crash. The crash will occur very sporadic, so
it is very hard to find the real problem.

Is there any way to get more information or is there a debug version of the
MSHTML.dll available which may help?

Best regards | Schöne Grüße

Microsoft MVP - Most Valuable Professional
Microsoft MCAD - Certified Application Developer

Brian Williams

Have you checked the IIS Weblog usaly located at
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Logfiles\W3SVC1 for status code in the 500s?
When you say event log, are you talking about the Administrative Tools Event

You could also add a Custom Error page that logs and/or emails the exception
and stact trace.

Brian K. Williams

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