Get Property Value by Name - is it even possible




Object instance is loaded into process with data in its Fields. There is a
db table, that dictates what properties values are needed for a stored
procedure call.
Is it possible to get value of a propery by its name?

so instead of this:

switch (propertyName)
case "AA" :
x = myObj.AA;
//and so on

I want to do something like this:
x = myObj.PropertyValueGetter(propertyName);

Bruce Wood

Reflection is about it... why do you ask? Reflection is easy to use
once you get over the (small) learning curve. It does almost exactly
what you wrote:

PropertyInfo pi = myObj.GetType().GetProperty("AA");
x = pi.GetValue(myObj, null);


I was just asking if there was another "correct" way of doing it.
using reflections is not a problem for me at all.

Thank you

Steven Nagy

I think you'll find that reflection IS the correct way of doing it.

I would use attributes on desired properties.
For example, an 3 objects might represent 3 tables in a database.
Each of those objects has a different property for the PK: (eg.
obj1.userID obj2.UserAccessLevelID obj3.SalaryRatingID)
With an attribute called "PK" in front, you could get the value of the
primary key of any of those 3 objects without knowing the name of the
property even.

Of course you may no even be heading in this direction with your
design, so I'll just shut my big mouth.

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