Get MS Works Calendar on Windows XP



Computer purchased in 1999 has Windows 98 and includes
Microsoft Word & Works, which included Works Calendar. I
frequently use the Calendar for reminders of appointments,
deadlines, etc.

Another computer purchased in 2001 has Windows XP but I do
not find Microsoft Works Calendar. How can I get it
installed/downloaded to the second computer?

Tim Slattery

Computer purchased in 1999 has Windows 98 and includes
Microsoft Word & Works, which included Works Calendar. I
frequently use the Calendar for reminders of appointments,
deadlines, etc.

Another computer purchased in 2001 has Windows XP but I do
not find Microsoft Works Calendar. How can I get it
installed/downloaded to the second computer?

You go to the store and buy a copy of Works. It's not part of the XP
operating system or any other operating system. It was on the older
computer simply because the OEM sold it along with the hardware.

Alex Nichol

Computer purchased in 1999 has Windows 98 and includes
Microsoft Word & Works, which included Works Calendar. I
frequently use the Calendar for reminders of appointments,
deadlines, etc.

Another computer purchased in 2001 has Windows XP but I do
not find Microsoft Works Calendar. How can I get it
installed/downloaded to the second computer?

Works is not part of Windows, but a separate Application suite. One
machine may have had it bundled in by the makers, the other has not. If
you need Works on that you will have to buy a copy (which may be
excessive just for a calendar - look around for a shareware one)

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