Get GridView row index



I have the code below that runs when a textbox in an ItemTemplate changes. My
problem is that it always updates the 1st row. How can I change the value in
DataKeys to reflect the index of the row I am on?

p.s. I am using AutoPostback and UpdatePanel. Thanks.

Protected Sub txtWeek1Units_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e
As System.EventArgs)
Dim txBox As TextBox = CType(sender, TextBox)
Dim intTempID As Int32 =
Dim dblUnits As Double = 0
If txBox.Text <> "" Then
dblUnits = Convert.ToDouble(txBox.Text)
End If
Dim lbl As Label = LblMsg
If PayrollClass.UpdateTimesheetsTemp(intTempID, dblUnits, 1) = False
lbl.CssClass = "Show"
lbl.Text = "Update of temporary timesheet entry failed for Week1
lbl.CssClass = "Hide"
lbl.Text = ""
End If
End Sub

Mr. Arnold

DavidC said:
I have the code below that runs when a textbox in an ItemTemplate changes. My
problem is that it always updates the 1st row. How can I change the value in
DataKeys to reflect the index of the row I am on?

p.s. I am using AutoPostback and UpdatePanel. Thanks.

Here is a ItemTemplete but it's a RadListView with ItemTemplete.

protected void RadListView_ItemCommand(object sender,
RadListViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == RadListView.UpdateCommandName)
var groupID =
//rest of the code

It's going to be some e.Item that's going to point you to the DataKey of
the Grid row selected.

I also think you can get the datakey at the OnSelectedIndexChanged on
the gridview.

var key = gridview1.selected.value with postback.

You would save it to do hidden field and retive the key from hidden
field for later usage.

You can also catch it at ItemBound doing something with the e.Item like
it's being done with ItemCommand()above.

Andy O'Neill

Mr. Arnold said:
Here is a ItemTemplete but it's a RadListView with ItemTemplete.

protected void RadListView_ItemCommand(object sender,
RadListViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == RadListView.UpdateCommandName)
var groupID =
//rest of the code

It's going to be some e.Item that's going to point you to the DataKey of
the Grid row selected.

I also think you can get the datakey at the OnSelectedIndexChanged on the

var key = gridview1.selected.value with postback.

You would save it to do hidden field and retive the key from hidden field
for later usage.

You can also catch it at ItemBound doing something with the e.Item like
it's being done with ItemCommand()above.

In your xhtml for your gridview you need datakeynames="fieldname"
That gives you a collection of DataKeys
So in csharp
DataKey dk = gv.DataKeys[index]
int MyId =(int)dk.Values["fieldname"]

Personally, I would have a button or something in my row.
I reckon the simplest way is to have an explicit row command.
Then something like

protected void gv_RowCommand(object sender, GridviewCommandArguments e)
if e.commandbame.equals("thebuttoncommand"))
int index = convert.toint32(e.commandargument);

Then the above code with the datakeys to give you the id of your record,
pass that into your object/datalayer/whatever.


I tried the SelectedIndexChanged event but I do not want to have to "select"
the row before doing anything. I just want the user to enter data into the
textbox, update the underlying database record (based on the DataKey value)
and then move down to the next row (via user tabbing to it) and do the same
thing with multiple rows. Picture a list of rows where each row is updated
as data is entered in the textbox. Does this change anything in your
recommendation? I am not sure the ItemCommand fires each time the cursor
moves down to the new row. Thanks.

Mr. Arnold

DavidC said:
I tried the SelectedIndexChanged event but I do not want to have to "select"
the row before doing anything. I just want the user to enter data into the
textbox, update the underlying database record (based on the DataKey value)
and then move down to the next row (via user tabbing to it) and do the same
thing with multiple rows. Picture a list of rows where each row is updated
as data is entered in the textbox. Does this change anything in your
recommendation? I am not sure the ItemCommand fires each time the cursor
moves down to the new row. Thanks.

Then you need a Edit Template with a asp:Edit button with property
Command="Edit". The Edit template can have this asp:textbox as a control.

Then you're going to need a Update Template with an asp:Button
Text="Update" Command="Update" and an asp:Button Text="Cancel"

And it's still on the GrivView_ItemCommand(object sender, EventArgs e)
like the example previously provided to you but a 3rd party
<telrick:RadListView> control.

It's the same thing, which is off of e.Item as the item in the grid you
are working on.

protected void RadListView_ItemCommand(object sender,
RadListViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName == "Update")
var groupID =

//rest of the code -- You can run off to the database and do it.

Mr. Arnold

DavidC said:
Given this solution, does the user have to click the edit button on every row?

Yeah, if the user wants to edit the textbox in the templete.

The edit button is going to be in the template for every row on the grid.


Below is what I am doing on a different web page that updates any row in an
ItemTemplate when the user checks a checkbox in that row and it works
perfectly. That page uses a ListView but the concept should be the same. The
user does not need to click on an edit button, it just grabs the key and runs
an update. I am hoping this helps you show me how to do the same thing in a
GridView on a TextChanged event. Thanks.

Sub Check_Clicked(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
' Gets the CheckBox object that fired the event.
Dim chkBox As CheckBox = CType(sender, CheckBox)

' Gets the item that contains the CheckBox object.
Dim item As ListViewDataItem = CType(chkBox.Parent, ListViewDataItem)
Dim intTransID As Int32 =

If VendorClass.ChangeIncExpTransPick(intTransID, chkBox.Checked) =
False Then
Dim tb As TextBox = Page.Master.FindControl("txtMsg")
' Replace ListView1 with ID of your ListView Control
'tb.Text = "TransID sent = " &
tb.Text = "The update to the checkbox failed."
End If
End Sub


FYI, I solved it by putting the datakey value into a hidden column on the row
and used the code below. Now I just need to use javascript to loop through
the GridView rows to total the values the user enters into each TextBox. I
have that code in my TextChanged event (see previous post) and it works great
except that using FindControl screws up the tab order and puts the cursor in
the footer. Have you found any code examples that loop through a GridView
(table) and grabs values of specific column controls (td's)? Thanks.

Dim lbl As Label = CType(sender.parent.FindControl("LblTempID"),
Dim intTempID As Int32 = Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)

Mr. Arnold

DavidC said:
FYI, I solved it by putting the datakey value into a hidden column on the row
and used the code below. Now I just need to use javascript to loop through
the GridView rows to total the values the user enters into each TextBox. I
have that code in my TextChanged event (see previous post) and it works great
except that using FindControl screws up the tab order and puts the cursor in
the footer. Have you found any code examples that loop through a GridView
(table) and grabs values of specific column controls (td's)? Thanks.

Dim lbl As Label = CType(sender.parent.FindControl("LblTempID"),
Dim intTempID As Int32 = Convert.ToInt32(lbl.Text)

No, I have not had to loop through TD's in javascript. Where I would
might try to catch it is on ItemBound event off of e.item again and
FindControl that would be the item the user was working on at the time.

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