Get exact duplicate of text from another cell (Bold on and off etc.)


Mike B

If, for example, A1 contains the text 'Michael'. The
capital 'M' is in Font Color (red) and Bold. Can you have
a formula like B1=A1 whereby 'Michael' will appear in B1
with the same character 'M' in Bold and Red?



Frank Kabel

Hi Mike,
Excel formulas (as well as UDFs) are not capable to copy format
information. They only copy text/values


Mike B

Thank's for the reply,

-----Original Message-----
Hi Mike,
Excel formulas (as well as UDFs) are not capable to copy format
information. They only copy text/values



Harlan Grove

If, for example, A1 contains the text 'Michael'. The
capital 'M' is in Font Color (red) and Bold. Can you have
a formula like B1=A1 whereby 'Michael' will appear in B1
with the same character 'M' in Bold and Red?

Not with formulas, but you could paste picture links. Copy A1, move to B1, hold
down the [Shift] key and click on Edit in the menu bar. The Edit menu should
include a Paste Picture Link entry.

If you'd also need cell B1 to evaluate to what's in cell A1, you could also
enter the formula =A1 in cell B1 and give B1 the number format ;;; .

Mike B

-----Original Message-----
If, for example, A1 contains the text 'Michael'. The
capital 'M' is in Font Color (red) and Bold. Can you have
a formula like B1=A1 whereby 'Michael' will appear in B1
with the same character 'M' in Bold and Red?

Not with formulas, but you could paste picture links. Copy A1, move to B1, hold
down the [Shift] key and click on Edit in the menu bar. The Edit menu should
include a Paste Picture Link entry.

If you'd also need cell B1 to evaluate to what's in cell A1, you could also
enter the formula =A1 in cell B1 and give B1 the number format ;;; .
I actually wanted to use it in a modification of Stephen
Bullen's scrolling data list using the formula =OFFSET
(H7,$B$14,0,1,1). Column H would contain an alphabetically
sorted list and to make it easier to find an entry when
scrolling this range, the first A***, B***, C*** etc.
entry in column H would be highlighted as per Michael

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