get back data from userform



I have a button in my userform which allow me to select a file.
After selecting the file, I unload the userform by the data in the form are
not saved...

Sub macro()
Dim strPath as string
'then treatment of the data
Msgbox(i) gives nothing... I expected to have number 4.
End Sub

If I click on Button #3, then
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
ChDrive "V:\ACE"
ChDir "V:\ACE"
strPath = Application.GetOpenFilename()
If strPath = False Then End
strPath = CurDir
file = Right(strPath, Len(strPath) - InStrRev(strPath, "\"))
i = 4
End Sub

Dave Peterson

If you make i (and strPath) a public variable in a General module, I bet it
would work:

Public i as long
dim strPath as string

Sub macro()
Dim strPath as string
'then treatment of the data
Msgbox(i) gives nothing... I expected to have number 4.
End Sub

But the way your code is written, i and strPath are local to that one
procedure. When that procedure ends, then i and strPath fail to exist.

And since i and strpath are both unitialized variants, they'll return "".

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