Generic methods..



Hi All,

I am new to this Generics. I started with a Generic method which
doesn't return any value. It worked well.

Then I tried to write a generic method which will sum up the given
values and return the result. This is the piece of code.

private T Add<T>(T a, T b)

T c = a + b;

return c;

While compilation, I am getting the following error.

" Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'T' and 'T' ".

What is the problem?. How to perform operations on the Generic

How to write generic methods that will return a value?

Please throw some light on this.

Thanks in advance.


Marc Gravell

A common question. Generics are not like C++ templates, and the short
answer is that you can't use operator overloads (such as +, -, etc)
with gnerics. You can use other constraints, however, such as
"implements <x> interface", "is reference-type", "has a default
colnstructor". They are very useful, but not directly in your scenario
I'm afraid.


Laura T.

True. There are some things that can be done but not the C++ way at all.

For example your Add *could* check common types and behave as the best.
The only thing is that if someone calls the function with a type you have
not implemented (say Add<Form>), it will not work.

public class Template
public T Add<T>(T a1, T a2) where T:class
if (a1 is string && a2 is string)
return string.Concat(a1, a2) as T;
else if (a1 is int && a2 is int)
return (Convert.ToInt32(a1) + Convert.ToInt32(a1)) as T;

return default(T);

static void Main(string[] args)
Template x = new Template();
int v = (int)x.Add<object>(2, 3);

Marc Gravell

This example would be better handled with overloading. The whole point
of generics is that you *expect* it to be called for typed you don't
know about; also - unless I am very mistaken it can't work with int
because of the T : class

public int Add(int a1, int a2) {return a1 + a2;}
public string Add(string a1, string a2) {return a1 + a2;} // Concat by
the compiler


Marc Gravell

A true generic implementation must support types that don't exist in
the (base) library wrapping the code. Maybe I am overcomplicating
things, but you could do this via interfaces etc as follows. You could
add a few more "standard" implementations, but more importantly the
end-developer can hook their own definitions for complex, quoternian,
SomeClass, SomeStruct, etc...

Anyways, here it is: (this is just a demo... not production code)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

static class Program {
static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine(Foo(1, 4, 6));
Console.WriteLine(Foo(12.0F, 1.2F, 6F));
Console.WriteLine(Math.Add("abc","def", "ghi"));
try {
Console.WriteLine(Foo("abc", "def", "ghi"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
static T Foo<T>(T arg1, T arg2, T arg3) {
return (Math.Product(Math.Add(arg1, arg2), arg3));

public interface IMath<T> {
T Add(T lhs, T rhs);
T Add(params T[] args);
T Product(T lhs, T rhs);
T Product(params T[] args);
T Negate(T arg);
T Invert(T arg);
T Unit { get;}
T Zero { get;}
// etc
public abstract class MathBase<T> : IMath<T> {
protected T ThrowNotSupported(string name) {
throw new NotSupportedException(name + " is not supported for
" + typeof(T).FullName);
virtual public T Add(params T[] args) {
if (args == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("args");
IMath<T> provider = Math<T>.Default;
switch(args.Length) {
case 0: return provider.Zero;
case 1: return args[0];
case 2: return provider.Add(args[0], args[1]);

T value = provider.Add(args[0], args[1]);
for (int i = 2; i < args.Length; i++) {
value = provider.Add(value, args);
return value;
virtual public T Product(params T[] args) {
if (args == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("args");
IMath<T> provider = Math<T>.Default;
switch(args.Length) {
case 0: return provider.Unit;
case 1: return args[0];
case 2: return provider.Product(args[0], args[1]);

T value = provider.Product(args[0], args[1]);
for(int i = 2; i < args.Length ; i++) {
value = provider.Product(value, args);
return value;
virtual public T Add(T lhs, T rhs) {
return ThrowNotSupported("Add");
virtual public T Product(T lhs, T rhs) {
return ThrowNotSupported("Product");
virtual public T Negate(T arg) {
return ThrowNotSupported("Negate");
virtual public T Invert(T arg) {
return ThrowNotSupported("Invert");
virtual public T Unit {
get { return ThrowNotSupported("Unit");}
virtual public T Zero { // this is actually a reasonable default
get { return default(T); }
internal static class Math<T> { // avoid using the dictionary on each
private static readonly IMath<T> provider;
public static IMath<T> Default { get { return provider; } }
static Math() {
provider = Math.GetHandler<T>();

public static class Math {
public static T Add<T>(T lhs, T rhs) {
return Math<T>.Default.Add(lhs, rhs);
public static T Add<T>(params T[] args) {
return Math<T>.Default.Add(args);
public static T Product<T>(T lhs, T rhs) {
return Math<T>.Default.Product(lhs, rhs);
public static T Product<T>(params T[] args) {
return Math<T>.Default.Product(args);
public static T Negate<T>(T arg) {
return Math<T>.Default.Negate(arg);
public static T Invert<T>(T arg) {
return Math<T>.Default.Invert(arg);
public static T Unit<T>() {
return Math<T>.Default.Unit;
public static T Zero<T>() {
return Math<T>.Default.Zero;

static Math() {
providers = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
AddProvider<int>(new MathInt32Provider());
AddProvider<float>(new MathSingleProvider());
AddProvider<string>(new MathStringProvider());
internal sealed class MathInt32Provider : MathBase<int> {
override public int Add(int lhs, int rhs) {return lhs + rhs;}
override public int Product(int lhs, int rhs) { return lhs *
rhs; }
override public int Negate(int arg) { return -arg; }
override public int Invert(int arg) { throw new
NotSupportedException(); }
override public int Unit { get { return 1; } }
internal sealed class MathSingleProvider : MathBase<float> {
override public float Add(float lhs, float rhs) { return lhs +
rhs; }
override public float Product(float lhs, float rhs) { return
lhs * rhs; }
override public float Negate(float arg) { return -arg; }
override public float Invert(float arg) { return 1.0F / arg; }
override public float Unit { get { return 1.0F; } }
internal sealed class MathStringProvider : MathBase<string> {
override public string Add(string lhs, string rhs) { return
lhs + rhs; }
override public string Zero { get { return ""; } }
public override string Add(params string[] args) {
if (args == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("args");
switch (args.Length) {
case 0: return "";
case 1: return args[0];
case 2: return string.Concat(args[0], args[1]);
case 3: return string.Concat(args[0], args[1],
case 4: return string.Concat(args[0], args[1],
args[2], args[3]);
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
foreach (string arg in args) {
return sb.ToString();
static readonly Dictionary<Type, object> providers;
public static void AddProvider<T>(IMath<T> provider) {
if(provider==null) throw new
lock (provider) {
providers.Add(typeof(T), provider);
internal static IMath<T> GetHandler<T>() {
lock (providers) {
object provider;
if (!providers.TryGetValue(typeof(T), out provider)) {
throw new NotSupportedException("No IMath<T> provider
exists for " + typeof(T).FullName);
return (IMath<T>)provider; // cast is OK since it made it

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