Garbage Collector and Delegate



I am registering a managed delegate to an unmanaged DLL for asynchronous
callback. I understand the garbage collector will free the managed resource
if they go out of scope but with the information I have read, it is unclear
to me if the garbage collector will move the delegate (e.g.
cableInterruptCallbackEventHandler) if it is still referenced thereby
invalidating the callback performed by the unmanaged code. I would greatly
appreciate some information regarding this topic. I have included some code
that will illustrate what I am doing. In my actual code I am implementing
the Dispose Pattern. Sorry, it is a bit lengthy.

[btapi.h] (partial)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define BT_EXTERN extern "C"
#define BT_EXTERN extern

#if !defined(BT973) && !defined(WINVER) && !defined(BT15901) \
&& !defined(BT15991) && !defined(BT17903) && !defined(BT13908)
#define BT_METHOD
/* Windows requires __stdcall between the return type and the function
name- so we can't just hide it in BT_EXTERN. */
#define BT_METHOD __stdcall

BT_EXTERN bt_error_t
BT_METHOD bt_icbr_install(
bt_desc_t btd_p,
bt_irq_t irq_type,
bt_icbr_t *icbr_p,
void *param_p,
bt_data32_t vector);

BT_EXTERN bt_error_t
BT_METHOD bt_icbr_remove(
bt_desc_t btd_p,
bt_irq_t irq_type,
bt_icbr_t *icbr_p);

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace SbsTechnologies.BusAdapter
public enum ErrorStatus : int

public enum InterruptType : int

public enum InterruptCallbackType : int
Error = InterruptType.Error,
Programmed = InterruptType.Programmed,
Cable = InterruptType.Cable,

public class MirrorApiEventArgs : EventArgs
private InterruptType interruptType;
private uint vector;

public MirrorApiEventArgs(InterruptType interruptType, uint vector) : base()
this.interruptType = interruptType;
this.vector = vector;

public InterruptType InterruptType
return this.interruptType;

public uint Vector
return this.vector;

internal delegate void InterruptCallbackEventHandler(IntPtr parameter,
InterruptType interruptType, uint vector);

public delegate void MirrorApiEventHandler(object sender,
MirrorApiEventArgs e);

internal sealed class MirrorApiInterop
private sealed class UnsafeNativeMethods

[DllImport(@"bit3_984.dll", EntryPoint = "bt_icbr_install")]
public static extern ErrorStatus bt_icbr_install(
IntPtr btd_p,
InterruptCallbackType irq_type,
InterruptCallbackEventHandler icbr_p,
IntPtr param_p,
uint vector

[DllImport(@"bit3_984.dll", EntryPoint = "bt_icbr_remove")]
public static extern ErrorStatus bt_icbr_remove(
IntPtr btd_p,
InterruptCallbackType irq_type,
InterruptCallbackEventHandler icbr_p

internal static void InstallInterruptCallbackRoutine(IntPtr handle,
InterruptCallbackType interruptCallbackType, InterruptCallbackEventHandler
interruptCallbackEventHandler, IntPtr param, uint vector)
UnsafeNativeMethods.bt_icbr_install(handle, interruptCallbackType,
interruptCallbackEventHandler, param, vector);

internal static void RemoveInterruptCallbackRoutine(IntPtr handle,
InterruptCallbackType interruptCallbackType, InterruptCallbackEventHandler
UnsafeNativeMethods.bt_icbr_remove(handle, interruptCallbackType,

public class MirrorApiInterrupt
private IntPtr handle;
private uint vector;

private InterruptCallbackEventHandler cableInterruptCallbackEventHandler;
private InterruptCallbackEventHandler errorInterruptCallbackEventHandler;
private InterruptCallbackEventHandler

public event MirrorApiEventHandler Cable;
public event MirrorApiEventHandler Error;
public event MirrorApiEventHandler Programmed;

public MirrorApiInterrupt(IntPtr handle, uint vector)
this.handle = handle;
this.vector = vector;

cableInterruptCallbackEventHandler = new
errorInterruptCallbackEventHandler = new
programmedInterruptCallbackEventHandler = new

InterruptCallbackType.Cable, cableInterruptCallbackEventHandler, IntPtr.Zero,
InterruptCallbackType.Error, errorInterruptCallbackEventHandler, IntPtr.Zero,
InterruptCallbackType.Programmed, programmedInterruptCallbackEventHandler,
IntPtr.Zero, this.vector);

InterruptCallbackType.Cable, cableInterruptCallbackEventHandler);

private void CableInterruptCallback(IntPtr parameter, InterruptType
interruptType, uint vector)
this.OnCable(new MirrorApiEventArgs(interruptType, vector));

private void ErrorInterruptCallback(IntPtr parameter, InterruptType
interruptType, uint vector)
this.OnError(new MirrorApiEventArgs(interruptType, vector));

private void ProgrammedInterruptCallback(IntPtr parameter, InterruptType
interruptType, uint vector)
this.OnProgrammed(new MirrorApiEventArgs(interruptType, vector));

protected virtual void OnCable(MirrorApiEventArgs e)
if (this.Cable != null)
this.Cable(this, e);

protected virtual void OnError(MirrorApiEventArgs e)
if (this.Error != null)
this.Error(this, e);

protected virtual void OnProgrammed(MirrorApiEventArgs e)
if (this.Programmed != null)
this.Programmed(this, e);

Mattias Sjögren

I understand the garbage collector will free the managed resource
if they go out of scope but with the information I have read, it is unclear
to me if the garbage collector will move the delegate (e.g.
cableInterruptCallbackEventHandler) if it is still referenced thereby
invalidating the callback performed by the unmanaged code. I would greatly
appreciate some information regarding this topic.

The delegate may move, but the native function pointer that gets
passed to the function you're calling will remain valid as long as the
delegate is referenced.

In my actual code I am implementing the Dispose Pattern.

Great, because when your ~MirrorApiInterrupt finalizer runs the
delegate may already have been garbage collected, so you can't safely
call RemoveInterruptCallbackRoutine from there.



Thanks for the help. Your time is appreciated.

Mattias Sjögren said:

The delegate may move, but the native function pointer that gets
passed to the function you're calling will remain valid as long as the
delegate is referenced.

Great, because when your ~MirrorApiInterrupt finalizer runs the
delegate may already have been garbage collected, so you can't safely
call RemoveInterruptCallbackRoutine from there.


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