game play over the net



i have a game that can play over the net,it will play
using gamespy ,but when i use my own ip in the game to
play it allways say's conection timed out & never conects
can u help

Chris H.

If you're running a firewall, and you should be, you probably need to open
the proper ports for the games to play. I'd check first the game itself to
see what ports need to be open, and second check the GameSpy site itself for
information on the proper procedure. Without knowing which game you're
running, it is difficult to tell you exactly what to do.


I have the same problem, the game Im playing is Vietcong
and when I try to host my own server people cant join. Im
told i have to open ports 5425 and 15425 but havent the
foggiest how to do this PLEEAASSEE HELP!!!

Chris H.

Without knowing what connection you have and whether you're on a LAN at
home, it is difficult to tell you exactly what to do.

One of the problems with online gaming is finding your host IP (the one
assigned to you by your Internet Service Provider) and whether you're
running a dynamic or static IP. If you're on a dynamic setup where each
time you log on you get a different IP, you can check it at

For opening ports, it depends on the game itself (some have rather odd port
requirements), and you'll need to read the manual, check the support site,
or some of the gamer sites to determine which ports are used when hosting a
game server.

You need to check the configuration of your router and/or modem. Same thing
there, read the manuals and check the support sites. There is a pretty good
explanation of everything involved here:

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