Further Question about Transpose



Hello everybody,

I have a single column of texts with the following pattern:
Row 1: Company Name
Row 2: Address
Row 3: Tel
Row 4: Fax
Row 5: Website

For example:

ABC Company Ltd
20/F, Abc Building, 1 Abc Street, ABC Country
1111 1111
2222 2222
XYZ Ptd Ltd
Suite 5008 – 5010, 50/F, XYZ Building, 7 XYZ Street, XYZ Country
3333 3333
4444 4444
(and so on …)

The length of such column is not fixed.

So can I use “Paste Special -> Transpose†or =TRANSPOSE(array) to transform
the data that column A contains all company names, column B contains all
addresses, column C contains all tel num. and so on?

(The “Paste Special -> Transpose†transformed all data in a single row. But
I want to transform the record line – by – line without moving again …)

Much appreciate if any tips about this.

Thank you!!


One way to try ..

Assuming source data is in col A, A1 down,
in groups of 5 rows each as indicated
(w/o any intervening blank rows)

Put in say, B1:


Copy B1 across 5 cols to F1, fill down until zeros appear signalling
exhaustion of data from col A

The above will return the desired results in cols B to F


Dear Max,

Thanks a lot for your help, the formula works fine!!

Much thx!!


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