Functions are greyed out. Cannot be selected.



Hi guys,

Please help. I have encounter this problem but i cant solve it.
Some functions in my word and excel are greyed out when i create a new
document. For example in excel, i am unable to selected the merge cell
function. i have merged cells before using excel so i know its not a problem
with me.
Has anyone encountered this problem or does anyone have any advice for me?
Any help would be appreciated..



Hi Ken

Sounds like your worksheet is protected? Check Tolls|Protection, and see
whether you have the option Unprotect Worksheet, or Protect Worksheet
available. If it is the first, then your sheet has been inadvertently
protected. Click on it, and you will have your options available.

It could also be that you have shared the workbook? Ckick on Tools|Share
Workbook. Right at the top of the window that appears, you'll find an option
box "Allow changes by more than one user..........". If this is ticked, the
workbook is shared, and again you will not be able to format. Untick it, and
try again.

May be way off target, but worth a try.

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