Functions and AutoFilter



I would like my function result to reflect the change in
the worksheet when filtering using AutoFilter.

For example, I have a COUNTIF function that returns the
same result regardless of the change in the data viewed
when I filter the sheet. I would like for the result to
change as the sheet is filtered.

Any help would be appreciated.

Peo Sjoblom

How does you countif look like? Here's one way that will work as a countif
and not count hidden cells


will count filtered cells in B2:B20 that are greater than 5


=COUNTIF(J:J,"Not Posted") This simply gives a count of
the cells in column J that have the value "Not Posted".
That's fine, but I would like the results to change if a
filter (using AutoFilter) has been applied. By default,
it does not.

Peo Sjoblom

So why didn't you try to adapt the formula to your data?


assuming you have a header in J1, adapt to fit the dimension of your column

The above formula will count filtered "Not Posted" but not hidden like the
countif formula..

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