=> function to return a date value


Rhonda Fischer


I am using a function to return a date value and the
only value that seems to return is 00:00:00 when I
would have expected 2004-03-09 00:00:00.000 in full.
However all I really need is the day, month, year value
to use in a subsequent DateDiff operation.

Thank you for any suggestions that you may have.

Kind Regards

Code I use to call my function:
=> want to work out the first function call

If (Not myDateFrom = fnCheckDateFromExists(incidentNo))
If (Not myDateTo = fnCheckDateToExists
(incidentNo)) Then
txtDaysLost = DateDiff(d, myDateFrom, myDateTo)
txtDaysLost = DateDiff(d, myDateFrom, Date)
End If
'If (Not myIncidentDate = fnIncidentDateExists
(incidentNo)) Then
'txtDaysLost = DateDiff(d, myIncidentDate,
'txtDaysLost = 0
'End If
End If

My First Function:
Function fnCheckDateFromExists(inIncidentNo) As Date
On Error GoTo Err_fnCheckDateFromExists
'Form: frmIncidentDetailsEdit
'Event: On_Load

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim cmd As ADODB.Command
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
Set cmd = New ADODB.Command
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

'Open the connection
cnn.Open "Provider=sqloledb; Data
Source=ZSQUIRREL;Initial Catalog=HealthAndSafety;
Integrated Security=SSPI"

'Set up the Command objects's Connection, SQL and
parameter types
With cmd
.ActiveConnection = cnn
.CommandText = "SELECT DaysLostFrom FROM
tblIncident WHERE IncidentID = ?"

.CreateParameter , adInteger, adParamInput,
50 'IncidentID
End With
cmd.Parameters(0) = inIncidentNo

Set rst = cmd.Execute

'An empty recordset means the Incident does NOT have a
DaysLostFrom value
fnCheckDateFromExists = rst!DaysLostFrom

Set cnn = Nothing
Set cmd = Nothing

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_fnCheckDateFromExists

End Function

Jonathan Parminter

-----Original Message-----

I am using a function to return a date value and the
only value that seems to return is 00:00:00 when I
would have expected 2004-03-09 00:00:00.000 in full.
However all I really need is the day, month, year value
to use in a subsequent DateDiff operation.

Thank you for any suggestions that you may have.

Kind Regards
Hi Ronda, have you actually assigned a return value to the
function name?


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