Function parameter description



Hi all!

I work with Excel functions and I want write descpription for the function
and for its parameter (like the Excel's Sum() function).
For the function I use:

public function myFunct(p1 as string) as string
Attribute myFunct.vb_Description="Description of myFunct"
' ...

myFunct = "Hello!"
end function

How it's possible to write the description for p1?

Thanx in advance!


Bob Phillips

There are a couple of ways, one not too robust, one that requires a dll.

The not too robust way, suggested by Laurent Longre and working for two
parameters is :-
Const Lib = """c:\windows\system\user32.dl­l"""
Option Base 1

Private Function Multiply(N1 As Double, N2 As Double) As Double
Multiply = N1 * N2
End Function


Private Function Divide(N1 As Double, N2 As Double) As Double
Divide = N1 / N2
End Function


Sub Auto_open()

Register "DIVIDE", 3, "Numerator,Divisor", 1, "Division", _
"Divides two numbers", """Numerator"",""Divisor """, "CharPrevA"
Register "MULTIPLY", 3, "Number1,Number2", 1, "Multiplication", _
"Multiplies two numbers", """First number"",""Second number """, _

End Sub


Sub Register(FunctionName As String, NbArgs As Integer, _
Args As String, MacroType As Integer, Category As String, _
Descr As String, DescrArgs As String, FLib As String)

Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro _
"REGISTER(" & Lib & ",""" & FLib & """,""" & String(NbArgs, "P") _
& """,""" & FunctionName & """,""" & Args & """," & MacroType _
& ",""" & Category & """,,,""" & Descr & """," & DescrArgs & ")"

End Sub


Sub Auto_close()

Dim FName, FLib
Dim I As Integer
FName = Array("DIVIDE", "MULTIPLY")
FLib = Array("CharPrevA", "CharNextA")
For I = 1 To 2
With Application
.ExecuteExcel4Macro "UNREGISTER(" & FName(I) & ")"
.ExecuteExcel4Macro "REGISTER(" & Lib & _
",""CharPrevA"",""P"",""" & FName(I) & """,,0)"
.ExecuteExcel4Macro "UNREGISTER(" & FName(I) & ")"
End With

End Sub

The dll solution:
Also from Laurent Longre, you use the FUNCUSTOMIZE utility .Get it at



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)


Thank you, Bob...

The first way doesn't work on my PC, the second yes!
Many thanx!


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