Function not recognized?



I have inserted a function into one of my forms. When I just insert it into
a module by itself it works, but not in my form. It is from the compare 2
times in the Microsoft KB. Does this function need to be in it's own module
in order to work? When I try to call it in my form, it says it doesn't
recognize the sub or function. Thanks!

Option Explicit

Function ElapsedTTime(Interval)
Dim x
x = Int(CSng(Interval * 24 * 3600)) & " Seconds"
Debug.Print x
x = Int(CSng(Interval * 24 * 60)) & ":" & Format(Interval, "ss") _
& " Minutes:Seconds"
Debug.Print x
x = Int(CSng(Interval * 24)) & ":" & Format(Interval, "nn:ss") _
& " Hours:Minutes:Seconds"
Debug.Print x
x = Int(CSng(Interval)) & " days " & Format(Interval, "hh") _
& " Hours " & Format(Interval, "nn") & " Minutes " & _
Format(Interval, "ss") & " Seconds"
Debug.Print x

End Function



i just created a simple form, only with one button called "Befehl0"

Then i put in the followin code:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private Sub Befehl0_Click()
ElapsedTTime (2)
End Sub

Function ElapsedTTime(Interval)
Dim x
x = Int(CSng(Interval * 24 * 3600)) & " Seconds"
MsgBox x
x = Int(CSng(Interval * 24 * 60)) & ":" & Format(Interval, "ss") _
& " Minutes:Seconds"
MsgBox x
x = Int(CSng(Interval * 24)) & ":" & Format(Interval, "nn:ss") _
& " Hours:Minutes:Seconds"
MsgBox x
x = Int(CSng(Interval)) & " days " & Format(Interval, "hh") _
& " Hours " & Format(Interval, "nn") & " Minutes " & _
Format(Interval, "ss") & " Seconds"
MsgBox x
End Function

.... and it works without any problem...

Try it again

Best regards


Hi Roger,

that´s totally right,
but he/she wants to insert it into a form..
so he/she gets his/her answer how to user it in an form ;-)

best regards


It has to be in the General section, after any declarations but before any
form object events.


The next step for me in order to use this, is to incorporate an interval from
fields off my form. So now I have:

TimeInterval = "#" & LstEndDate & " " & LstEndTime & _
"#-#" & LstBegDate & " " & LstBegTime & "#"

This is equivalent to: #11/3/2005 3:00:00 PM#-#11/1/2005 2:00:00 PM#

But now the function doesn't work? Is it because the interval is now a
string? Do I need to convert it before using the function
ElapsedTime(TimeInterval)? Any ideas?



try this:

MsgBox DateDiff("h", #11/1/2005 2:00:00 PM#, #11/3/2005 3:00:00 PM#)

Best regards

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