Function Key Toolbar?



The other day, I was editing some documents when suddenly, a new toolbar
appeared. It was titled "Function Key Display". It was a moveable toolbar
that you could stretch in either the X or Y axis. It contained a list of all
the function keys (F1-F12) and their titles. Apparently, the ones that
showed as available were in the context of what I was currently doing, since
I could change modes and some of the buttons became available while others
became unavailable.

For the life of me, I cannot figure out how I was able to show this toolbar
and cannot find anything in the help files. It is like the Lost Chord! I
thought maybe that the heel of my hand dragged somewhere on the keyboard.

I am using Word 2003. Can anyone tell me how I can call up this toolbar?



Greg Maxey


I use this macro:

Sub ToggleFunctionKeysDisplay()
With CommandBars("Function Key Display")
.Visible = Not .Visible
End With
End Sub

Jay Freedman

Without a macro, it's hard to do by accident -- I don't think there's a
shortcut for it. You open the Tools > Customize dialog, go to the Toolbars
tab, and check the box next to Function Key Display.


Many Thanks. I suppose it is possible that when I opened a document from an
e-mail message that the sender had that toolbar open when the document was
saved. I guess I will have to experiment. But thanks for solving part of my
"lost chord" mystery.


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