function doubt


xavi garriga

Dear all;

I'm trying to use a function in my Excel macro and when I call the macro,
appears a message like this:
"Compilation error:
Type of argument of byRef is not coincident." (direct translation from

my code is this:

Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim filaini, filafi As Integer

For k = 5 To 17
filaini = ActiveSheet.Cells(k, 16).Value
filafi = ActiveSheet.Cells(k + 1, 16).Value
Call calculminim(filaini, filafi)
k = k + 2
End Sub

and the function starts:

Function calculminim(filainicial As Integer, filafinal As Integer)

If you need more part of the code, ask me.

Thank you very much to all!

Niek Otten

<Dim filaini, filafi As Integer>

This defines only filafi as Integer

You need:

Dim filaini as Integer, filafi as Integer

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| Dear all;
| I'm trying to use a function in my Excel macro and when I call the macro,
| appears a message like this:
| "Compilation error:
| Type of argument of byRef is not coincident." (direct translation from
| spanish)
| my code is this:
| Sub CommandButton1_Click()
| Dim filaini, filafi As Integer
| For k = 5 To 17
| filaini = ActiveSheet.Cells(k, 16).Value
| filafi = ActiveSheet.Cells(k + 1, 16).Value
| Call calculminim(filaini, filafi)
| k = k + 2
| Next
| End Sub
| and the function starts:
| Function calculminim(filainicial As Integer, filafinal As Integer)
| If you need more part of the code, ask me.
| Thank you very much to all!
| --
| atrep

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

The problem is with this line...

Dim filaini, filafi As Integer

It is not doing what you think. The variable filafi is being declared as an
Integer; however, filaini is being declared as a Variant (your calculminim
function expected it to be an Integer). In VB, all variables must be
declared as to Type individually (this is different from a lot of other
languages. What you need to do is either this....

Dim filaini As Integer, filafi As Integer

or this...

Dim filaini As Integer
Dim filafi As Integer


RB Smissaert

Haven't tested, but try this:

Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim filaini As Long
Dim filafi As Long

For k = 5 To 17
filaini = Val(ActiveSheet.Cells(k, 16).Value)
filafi = Val(ActiveSheet.Cells(k + 1, 16).Value)
Call calculminim(filaini, filafi)
k = k + 2
End Sub

Function calculminim(filainicial As Long, filafinal As Long)

The change to Long is not essential, but it has a larger range and is a bit
faster, so there is no point to use Integer here.
Note that the way you had declared filaini it was declared as a variant and
not an Integer as you intended.
Best to put all variable declarations on seperate lines.


xavi garriga

OK, thanks to all. Typical new user mistake :). It happens to me for being

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