Function Creation



If A1 > 0 AND SUM(B1:L1) = 0 then A13 = Jan
If B1 > 0 AND SUM(C1:L1) = 0 then A13 = Feb
If D1 > 0 AND SUM(E1:L1) = 0 then A13 = March

Rather than just using nested Ifs which is cumbersome I am trying:

Function Month(Integer)

Select Case Integer
Case a1>0,sum(B1:L1)=0
Month = "Jan"


help is much appreciated - thanks

Bernie Deitrick


If you want Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc, then Array enter, using
Ctrl-Shift-Enter, this formula in cell A13:


or if you want January, February, March, etc. then Array enter (again,
using Ctrl-Shift-Enter)


Also, it is a bad idea to write functions that have the same name as Excel
functions. (MONTH is a valid Excel function)

MS Excel MVP

Bernie Deitrick

Sorry, the second formula should have also had L1 where it currently has K1.

MS Excel MVP

Tom Ogilvy

Assumes M1 will be empty:

Dim rng as Range, cell as Range, rng1 as Range
Dim i as Long, sMonth as String
set rng = Range("A1:L1")
for each cell in rng
set rng1 = Range(cell.offset(0,1), range("M1"))
if cell.Value > 0 and application.sum(rng1) = 0 then
i = cell.Column
end if
sMonth = format(DateSerial(year(date),i,1),"mmm")

if you want full month names, then change mmm to mmmm

If you know there will be no zero values in months before the current month
you can simplify to:

Dim rng as Range, cell as Range
Dim i as Long, sMonth as String
set rng = Range("A1:L1")
for each cell in rng
if cell.Value > 0 then
i = cell.Column
exit for
end if
sMonth = format(DateSerial(year(date),i,1),"mmm")


Thanks a lot Tom - thats excellent

Tom Ogilvy said:
Assumes M1 will be empty:

Dim rng as Range, cell as Range, rng1 as Range
Dim i as Long, sMonth as String
set rng = Range("A1:L1")
for each cell in rng
set rng1 = Range(cell.offset(0,1), range("M1"))
if cell.Value > 0 and application.sum(rng1) = 0 then
i = cell.Column
end if
sMonth = format(DateSerial(year(date),i,1),"mmm")

if you want full month names, then change mmm to mmmm

If you know there will be no zero values in months before the current month
you can simplify to:

Dim rng as Range, cell as Range
Dim i as Long, sMonth as String
set rng = Range("A1:L1")
for each cell in rng
if cell.Value > 0 then
i = cell.Column
exit for
end if
sMonth = format(DateSerial(year(date),i,1),"mmm")

Tom Ogilvy

I see you had an earlier posting of this and responded positively to a
worksheet function solution. Since you posted in programming the indication
would be code as the desired solution and your example showed a code
solution. If that isn't what you wanted, it would be better to indicate
what you want - code, worksheet function or that you are interesed in both.

Might help people to avoid wasting their time.


Tom - understood, going forward I'll bear this in mind and apologies for any
time wasting


Tom - understood, going forward I'll bear this in mind and apologies for any
time wasting

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