"FuncRes" error on Excel startup.




About a month or so ago I posted a question to the mac.excel group as I was
trying to add the ability to work with data and do regression analysis on my
laptop. With their help I was able to add the package and do the work, but
I have been left with an error window each time I start Excel. ( I cannot be
certain that it was or was not there before I added the Analysis Tool Pack).
The error says:

'FuncRes" could not be found.
Check the spelling of the file name and varify that the file location is

I can't recal now where I found FuncRes file - but I know at the time it was
(is) where it supposed to be and is spelled correctly.
When I click on the message it dissappears and Exel presents a status bar
that says "Opening Analysis ToolPack-VBA" it then goes on to start up

If I click on a workbook to open Excel the same error appears. Exel starts
but the file never opens. I have to click again and then the workbook opens

I have absolutely no clue where to begin on this problem. I have tried
throwing it away and it has replaced itself but the error persists.

Any thoughs or ideas as to how to fix this would be appreciated.


Norman Harker

Hi Scott!

Not so sure about the Mac system but in Windows for Excel 2003 my

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office2003\OFFICE11\Library\Analysis

But search for ATPVBAEN.XLA the FUNCRES.XLA should be in the same

If it isn't, then you'll probably need to repair or reinstall.

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.



I'm not positive, but I think you have helped me out before (I was in Japan
looking for a good book on Excel and a way to add amortization tables to
Excel you help me on both counts).

I am using OS X and while the Unix structure is not identical I found the

Analysis Toolpak - VBA may = ATPVBA.XLA ?
FuncRes may = FUNCRES.XLA ?

I found them at C:\Applications\Microsoft Office X\Office\Add-Ins\Analysis

They are both there as are Analysis Toolpak and ProcDBRes

If you have any other suggestions I would be happy to give them a try.

If you feel a reinstall of Office is the best bet, then I will ask you if
you know how I can do that AND erase my Serial Key at the same time ( I have
three serial numbers for Office on my home office network and like an idiot
put the same one as my wife's last time). Just a shot in the dark, if it
comes down to that I can post that question on the Mac board.

Look forward to your thoughts

Norman Harker

Hi Scott!

What version of Excel are you using?

I think that all give you the ability to repair the installation but
it seems that you may just have a corrupted file and a repair may not
fix that.

Since you have problems with the serial number duplication, it may be
best to uninstall and reinstall with the correct serial number. Best
to uninstall using the CDROM option and to make sure that when you
reinstall that you have access to the internet for registering and for
downloading all of the updates for your version.

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.

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