full path in directory listing



Does Windows XP offer a method to display the full path in a directory
listing? Years ago, from:
dir /s /(some other options) *.qwe

I could get output including the following:
Documents and Settings\gbynum\My Documents\Public\2.qwe

Does this functionality exist using native tools? If not, can anyone
recommend a (prefereably freeware) simple tool to do so?


Ron Bogart

Does Windows XP offer a method to display the full path in a directory
listing? Years ago, from:
dir /s /(some other options) *.qwe

I could get output including the following:
Documents and Settings\gbynum\My Documents\Public\2.qwe

Does this functionality exist using native tools? If not, can anyone
recommend a (prefereably freeware) simple tool to do so?


Open a command window and type "DIR /?" - without the quotes and you will
see what is available for the DIR command. One possible avenue to achieve
what you desire is the following:
DIR /S *.QWE > c:\search.txt {this directs the output to an edit file on
the C drive for detailed viewing.}

Ron Bogart {} ô¿ô¬
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -
Lovin life on Mercer Island 8^)
"Life is what happens while we are making other plans."
In memory of a true friend, MVP Alex Nichol (1935-2005)


Open a command window and type "DIR /?" - without the quotes and you will
see what is available for the DIR command. One possible avenue to achieve
what you desire is the following:
DIR /S *.QWE > c:\search.txt {this directs the output to an edit file on
the C drive for detailed viewing.}

Ron, I'm not sure you understood my question. I can, and have, used
the dir /? and tried the documented switches that look promising, to
no avail. If you are telling met here is one that does what I want,
please be so kind as to tell this dumb, stupid fool.

As for the 2nd, redirecting the output to a file ... yeah, you can
redirect the output (and I have), but with over 1200 files meeting my
criteria, and desiring to do some column by column sorting (and having
editors that do that), I still don't have the directory on the line
with the file ... indeed, the directory is listed once for every file
in the directory.

The long and short of it ... thanks for trying, but you didn't address
the question.

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