FTP server



Hi! Everyone
I have an FTP server application thru which i am uploading files in my
parent application
This is working fine.
What i want to know is that is there any method thru which i can get to know
the amount of data that has been transferred.
e.g i have a 10 mb file that is being uploaded. I want to display the
progress of the uploading of the file
how do i achieve this.

Thanks for ur responses


You may need to provide more information on how you are "uploading files"
for us to be useful. However, check out:

1. System.IO.File --> File.Length property, etc
2. System.IO.FileInfo
3. Or, if you're using/have access to a Byte[] or some sort of stream as
you're working with the file, you should be able to get the length of the
byte array that is being passed around, and convert that to MB.

Hope this helps.


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